Hi there!
Welcome to my excuse for populating content with as many em dashes as I please. Some commas will be spared, some will not. In this house, CAPS LOCK IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE.
Here is what you will find in this unhinged publication:
1. Life: My life is but a nesting doll of horrors. (Another perk of having my own newsletter! Unbridled misanthropy! *Swoon*) I once had a blood clot removed from MY LITERAL BUTT. My IBS rules everything around me. I’ve somehow had a headache for longer than I’ve been alive???? Really, this is just a space for me to metabolize everything I go through with humor, like how I’m in pain every single day LOLOLOL. A lot of this section will focus on chronic illness, but I might also dole out 1,500 words about Jade’s improvised Covergirl commercial from America’s Next Top Model. Ergo the broad label of “Life.”
2. Literature: If you follow me on social media, you are well aware that the only things I post about besides dissociating at Panera Bread are books. I read—a lot. Both for work and for pleasure. But because I cannot cover every single book within the outlets I write for, I want to use this space to spotlight any books that I am otherwise unable to cover, books that flew under the radar, and books that aren’t new—because they deserve our love and attention, too. Look out for a book round-up here and there!
3. Lexapro: Not to brag, babe, but I’m a triple-threat (anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder), and it would be selfish of me not to share my talents with the entire world!
Who Am I?
I am a human mop masquerading as a writer in Los Angeles. I’ve had my words published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, Vanity Fair, HuffPost, Oprah Daily, PAPER, among other international online and print platforms.
I’ve also written a book. (Pretty good for someone who failed high school English, twice!) My debut memoir, Born to Be Public, is available wherever books are sold.
How much does it cost?
Save Our Serotonin is (and will remain) a 100% free, reader-supported publication. Becoming a paid subscriber will support me and the team behind SOS by compensating us for the time we devote to generating the content we love making for you.
Subscribe now, and don’t forget to tell your friends! Validation rules everything around me!!!